We, Tokyo Investment Property., offer a full range of support for increasing your asset value and expanding your assets further into multiple properties in Japan.
Investment Strategy by Establishment of Asset Management Company
What is `Asset(Property) Management Company`?
It mainly means a legal entity to manage and hold your properties. By the incorporation (establishing a property management company), there are variety of merits as indicated below. There had needed to input a certain amount of capital and conduct complicated procedures for its establishment, however, there has been changes in the regulations in order to have the process proceeded in an easy way. With these changes, it would take a simple process even with 1 person minimum for the establishment.
Merits of Establishments of Asset (Property) Management Company
Merit 1. There would be more opportunities to get a loan from banks in Japan.
It is difficult to get a loan from banks in Japan for purchasing properties in Japan as an individual who doesn`t have an address in Japan. However, by establishing a legal entity, it`d enable you to finance from banks in Japan. And you can also open a bank account in Japan under the name of the entity.
Merit 2. For your effective tax deduction strategy including income dispersion.

- You can have more deduction by having the rental income from your properties transferred into your salary income. (Deduction at the taxable salary income)
- You can have more options at items to be accounted into expenses such as communication, allowances at trips, personal computers, social expenses, etc.
- There can be an efficient way to have an inheritance tax strategy by the way of succession of a business.
- You can have a low income tax rate.
Merit 3. There could occur other business opportunities with social credibility in Japan besides the property management.
The property management business is relatively easy to run as it generates stable rental incomes, which can leads to be another step to reap up into other business opportunities in Japan. Would you try it?
About Establishment of Asset (Property) Management Company
- How much does it take?
- It`d take around 250,000 JPY including its capital, etc.
- Registration & Licensing Tax
- Judicial Scrivener`s Fee
- Fee for Preparation of Articles of Incorporation
- Official Seal Making, etc.
- How Long does it take?
- It`d take around 1-2 weeks from documentation to establishment.
- What are the necessary procedures?
- Here below are the main procedures to take.
- Determination of the details of establishment items including the address of the main office, company name, the amount of the capital, etc.
- Making of Official Seal of Company
- Preparation and Authentication of Articles of Incorporation
- Application for Registration concerning Establishment
- About Settlement and Tax Declaration
Every year it is needed to do the tax declaration as a settlement process after establishing a company, and you can also do the overall process on your own, but it`d take too much work and time for you to do the process. In line with it, you can ask us, Tokyo
InvestmentInc. to do the process for you, and our certified tax accountant will conduct all of
the process including the settlement and tax declaration.
The main works of Certified Tax Accountant- Administration on Sales(Incomes), Expenses, etc.
- Advices for Tax Deduction
- Process for Every Year`s Settlement and Tax Declaration