The Pink Ribbon campaign in 2020 The Pink Ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Every year during breast cancer awareness month in October, various events are held all over the world. This year will be the 18......
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Tokyo Culture Guide :ODAWARA Art Foundation, ENOURA Observatory  江之浦測候所 ODAWARA Art Foundation ENOURA Observatory 江之浦測候所 I admire Hiroshi Sugimoto who is one of the internationally well known Japanese artists. He has held major exhibitions in museums and galleries through......
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Tokyo Culture Guide : MORI Art Museum 森美術館:STARS MORI Art Museum 森美術館:STARS Six Contemporary Artists from Japan to the World YAYOI KUSAMA  草間彌生 LEE UFAN     李 禹煥 TATSUO MIYAJIMA 宮島達男 TAKASHI MURAKAMI 村上 隆 YOSHITOMO NARA 奈良美智 HIROSHI SUGIMOTO 杉本博司 Th......
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Tokyo Culture Guide : Artizon Museum Artizon Museum The Bridgestone Museum of Art reopens in January 2020 under the new name of "Artizon Museum". This museum began with the personal collection of Shojiro Ishibashi: 石橋正二朗 who is the found......
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Tokyo Culture Guide 東京都現代美術館: Dump Type The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo: MOT was opened in March, 1995.                             MOT is focusing primarily on postwar Japanese art and contemporary......
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