Customer Voice Vol.43

Simon Jaramillo

About Yourself

Which country are you from?
What was the reason that you moved to Japan?

About Apartment Hunting in Tokyo

This time, which area did you choose to live in?
What made you decide to choose the apartment that you did?
Very new building + nice design + location.

About Tokyo Apartment Inc.

What is your opinion about the service you received from Tokyo Apartment Inc.
The apartment has been great, it was just what I was looking for. The location is perfect both for my work and my social life. Mariko-san has been very helpful in every aspect of the process. There have been some little problems in the apartment but she is giving all the help she can to fix them. In general for foreigner that doesn't speak Japanese, the experience has been very good.

A Word From Tokyo Apartment Inc. To Our Customers

Dear Simon,
It's really nice location with green too, and I'm happy that you like the apartment. thank you so much!
Mariko Fujita
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