Customer Voice Vol.185

About Yourself
- Which country are you from?
- I am from The Netherlands.
- What was the reason that you moved to Japan?
- Ever since my first visit in 2017 I wanted to move to Japan. As a digital artist and creative director it's a big source of inspiration. For my wife and myself it's an amazing opportunity to be able to live here.
About Apartment Hunting in Tokyo
- This time, which area did you choose to live in?
- We were hoping to find a small apartment along the Chūo line or in Shimokita. We love the small-town atmosphere of the more alternative neighbourhoods in Tokyo.
- What made you decide to choose the apartment that you did?
- To be honest, we did not expect much of the apartment at first. Finding a place to live in Tokyo can be a challenge and we had been searching for a while. However, upon arriving in the apartment we fell in love straight away. The apartment fits us really well and it feels like home.
About Tokyo Apartment Inc.
- What is your opinion about the service you received from Tokyo Apartment Inc.
- Seiya-san went above and beyond to help us find a suitable apartment. I don't think we ever received the attention we did, anywhere in the world. We did not have easy requirements and finding a place can be very challenging from overseas. Without his amazing help and support it would have been impossible for us to make the move. We are very grateful--there simply is no way to thank him enough.
A Word From Tokyo Apartment Inc. To Our Customers
- Hi Niels,
We hebben deze keer veel verschillende panden onderzocht. Het is fijn dat we eindelijk het meest geschikte pand hebben gevonden.
Seiya Kato