Customer Voice Vol.175


About Yourself

Which country are you from?
United States.
What was the reason that you moved to Japan?
I wanted some distance from the United States, and wanted to be closer to the culture and media I consume so much of anyway.

About Apartment Hunting in Tokyo

This time, which area did you choose to live in?
What made you decide to choose the apartment that you did?
The view. I'm a sea kayaker, so being able to see the water is of significance to me.

About Tokyo Apartment Inc.

What is your opinion about the service you received from Tokyo Apartment Inc.
Yamamoto-san was very communicative, and met me to begin apartment hunting the day after I landed. This allowed us to finish before I began work, and helped make my transition into Japan very smooth.

A Word From Tokyo Apartment Inc. To Our Customers

Enjoy kayaking in the Tokyo Bay areas.
Takeshi Yamamoto
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