Customer Voice Vol.138


About Yourself

Which country are you from?
What was the reason that you moved to Japan?
I had been to Japan a few times to visit family and always thought Tokyo was a great city. The opportunity to move here presented itself and I couldn't pass it up.

About Apartment Hunting in Tokyo

This time, which area did you choose to live in?
What made you decide to choose the apartment that you did?
It was a combination of location, size, and price. I had heard a lot of good things about the Nakameguro area, and when I was shown my eventual apartment, I was immediately sold .

About Tokyo Apartment Inc.

What is your opinion about the service you received from Tokyo Apartment Inc.
The service I received from Tokyo Apartment Inc. was incredible. I was lucky enough to work with Mr. Seiya Kato. Seiya was extremely helpful throughout the entire process, even when I was still in the U.S. and he was in Japan. Mr. Kato made sure I understood everything that was going on and made the process of finding an apartment in Tokyo as easy as it would be for me in the U.S.

A Word From Tokyo Apartment Inc. To Our Customers

Hi Cain,
Enjoy Nakameguro Life !
Seiya Kato
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