Customer Voice Vol.123


About Yourself

Which country are you from?
I'm from India.
What was the reason that you moved to Japan?
I'm currently pursuing my Master's degree from Waseda University. So I moved to Japan for educational purpose.

About Apartment Hunting in Tokyo

This time, which area did you choose to live in?
Since my University is in Nishiwaseda, I choose to live in Shinjuku-ku.
What made you decide to choose the apartment that you did?
My University is just on 5-10 minutes walking distance from my apartment. Apart from that, the nearest station, convenience stores and restaurants are all on 5 minutes walking distance from the apartment. Being in such a wonderful location the apartment itself is also spacious and lovely.

About Tokyo Apartment Inc.

What is your opinion about the service you received from Tokyo Apartment Inc.
I was really delighted by the service I received. Seiya-san has really been patient in searching an apartment for me. He made it sure that I get the best apartment in the best location and fulfilled all my requirements. I'm truly grateful to Seiya-san for finding me a perfect apartment. Apart from that he is truly cordial and extremely cooperative. Seiya-san is so kind that even though he is so busy, he has volunteered to take my Japanese classes which he sincerely conducts every week. I can't thank him enough for his support and cooperation. I'm truly lucky to have received Seiya- san's assistance. I highly recommend Seiya-san. Thank you so much!

A Word From Tokyo Apartment Inc. To Our Customers

ありがとうございます。 これからも日本語のべんきょう、がんばってください !
Seiya Kato
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